Creative confidence

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Oof. I feel this deeply. Thank you for putting it so simply...it helps to know you’re not alone.

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I need love

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The 'magic 'of love is knowing that it's always inside you, what's missing is often just w connection and giving yourself to be you

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The bonus of life comes from knowing that you are a temple of your own love which puts you on the trips through infinityas alife-long subscriber, equal to but no better than any other theist. After all we're all on the same trip from birth to death and the beauty of love style is that each one presents one perspective of God/infinity.

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Sending what I've got your way. . it will come for you.

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Peace, quiet, love, a happy world.

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It’s very mercenary, but I need to get a new debit card because the one I was using seems to have been hijacked. It won’t help my soul, but I pay for everything in my life with that stupid card. I perhaps could use some sympathy, after realizing I made a stupid mistake.

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I can relate. Don't feel bad. Couple months ago I bought something on Amazon. I sent it to another address. But, it didn't change it for some reason. So, I called Amazon upset. Well, someone hijacked my call. The person acted like an Amazon employee. Said, oh let me give you some gift cards for the error. I don't know how they did it, but the scumbag scammers bought X-Box gift cards with my debit card. They use a service called Card Delivery. They

also got into my PayPal account which I haven't used in years. I had to get my money back

even from PayPal. I am still working endlessly with Amazon since June to get my money returned. What a mess :-(

was stolen under my

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Minus the was stolen under my.....I don't know where that came from.

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Peace , Love and Prosperity. Love , Joy and Abundance .

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I need a cool boyfriend.

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How cool? I'm old but available. ;)

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I’m not that young myself. :)

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I sense a romance blossoming ❣️

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I will probably have to meet a lady that isn't aware of my substack, as I am fairly intimately exposed there.. But you never know huh.

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So I checked out the microscopy. I had never heard of that field of work before. It looks to me, Matt, that you are endeavoring to publish information invisible to the naked eye. Some of your posts seem to be suggesting that the jabs have polluted people in ways that can be evidenced graphically--and also that those same pollutants are spread to the purebloods all the same. I saw something about dental anesthetics, and wished I could take a nitrous holiday. You don't use that many words but I gather you live in NZ and are in the resistance. I would need a guided tour of your visual data to better understand your goals. Thanks for the chance to look into something new to me.

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I’ll check it out when the pear pie gets out of the oven, and I finish watching Bill Maher, or tomorrow after I organize my storage space, or probably sometime following my appointment at the hair salon. This weekend, for sure. You can definitely get to know a person by the way he employs punctuation. :)

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Love this answer!

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Peace, calm, quiet. For the overload to stop. Trees, birdsong. Peace. Personally, in my own little help and (of course) globally too. To exist in a world without humans, just with animals and birds and trees and the like. For animism, not anthropocentrism.

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Connection- lately, I have struggled mightily with disconnection in the form of loneliness. I'm looking for solid connections with 'permanent' facts or realities from which I can rest and bask in that glory

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