It’s my BIRTHDAY! I love this account. It brings me great joy. Thank you for being a light in the darkness.

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Happy Birthday Kris… here’s to an amazing year ahead for you ✨

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I’m ready!!! Today is a good day 🙌

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Today is ALWAYS a good day when you stay in the NOW - it is the only reality we have?

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Dear Universe, thank you for the reminder that today is unique... once in a lifetime choices... possibly last chances... a time to embrace and consider the possibilities. No different than any other day, but so great to be reminded. xoxo 💜

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🎼 "But who can tell where yesterday begins

And Now (and now and now and now and now and then)

And Now it's Now Again”

The Flatlanders…. 🎹

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Live for now . Don’t be a petty bitch .. keep it real and don’t lie to yourself... I love me and then I can love others 💎❤️

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We need to consider that the air at the top of the mountain may be to thin to breathe.

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Whenever you look back you have to think about now when you want to see.

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"To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format to show us how to silence our thoughts and create a liberated life.




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