We should reverse the β€˜on - off’ language, so that a day away from work / job is a day ON.

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πŸ™πŸ» absolutely

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by The Universe

I’m going to be really selfish here and say, a day off from chronic pain would be greatly appreciated.

If not then everyone to do one selfless act towards another. X

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Joan, it is not at all selfish... sending healing and kindness and thanks xx

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I’d like a day off from everything except reading. I’d like to have a day, no, a week, when I can read from morning to night, getting lost in a great book the way I did in my youth, when I could afford such luxuries. Man, I should have treasured them more.

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Thanks for the follow back message just responding I hope you do well

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The day should be filled with aspirations, inspirations, feelings, desires, facts combined with results makes us to feel joy with opportunities raised makes an impact on us and others as well.

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I have no days off - I am 78 and work (actually it's pleasure) 7 days a week to service my readers with my version of the universe. I am a Christian Diest (Google) and follow the teachings of Jesus for my moral code in my Earth Walk. There is so much chaos in the world today as the Polycrisis unfolds, then I always find a grounding here:

"On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not life mean more than food and the body than clothing? Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?"

QED - https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/polycrisis-nicola-nicked-poetry-in?utm_source=twitter&sd=pf

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