Sep 27, 2023Liked by The Universe

This is exactly what I need right now. The kids have flown the coop, it’s kinda lookin like hubby and I are gonna go our separate ways and I’ve been out of the workforce for the last 3 years. At 52 I find myself more scared and lonely than I ever have in my whole life. Which to me is just crazy. But here I sit looking for jobs, a purpose and an identity. Idk who signed me up for the Universe, maybe it truly was the universe, but it’s exactly what I need in this transitional phase to motivate and uplift as I fight my way past this depression. Thank you is not enough. 🙏❤️

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Stood in those self-same shoes, same age, subject of a divorce I did not want, out of the workforce for too many years and 'looking for jobs, a purpose and an identity'. Terrified and very lonely, and always worried how best to keep a roof over my head. What it took me a long time to see was that in fact, it was a gift, albeit an unwanted one. It was the chance to re-invent myself, to become 'someone else', to discover I wasn't only a mum, housekeeper, head-cook and bottle-washer. Seize this opportunity, it's the only way forward to much better days! To becoming your 'whole' self, rather than a dependent upon someone else's dictates and preferences. Remember - never be afraid to ask for help; once I finally became brave enough to do this, pathways opened, and solutions were found. Wishing you well!

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Genius idea for a Substack!

Love what you're doing with this, and I've added a link to your stack in my online library:

> Messages: https://bra.in/7jX2g2

> Library: DiscoveryNow.net

Hope this helps to give your newsletter a little more visibility.

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