How do I stay, forever, in Your grace.

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Hi....How can I get in touch with my Brother, Steve, age 65. He passed away 9/5/23. He died

suddenly. He called off work on Labor Day and Tuesday. Went to take a nap in the afternoon. His son heard him make a gurgling sound. His son couldn't revive him and neither could the paramedics.

You know that died suddenly thing. His son made him take the JAB or he couldn't

see his grandson. We believe he had a massive heart attack. He had some health issues, but

nothing terminal. His two sons don't keep in touch with me. I hadn't seen him in 3 years.

I was going to see him for Christmas, but GOD had other plans. RIP BROTHER +

I was seeing the number 111 flash red in front of my eyes. Do you know what the

number 111 means?

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So sorry.

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Thank YOU so much for your kind and thoughtful words. You are a strong and determined

person being in the Martial Arts. I applaud YOU :-)

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The number 1 is generally treated as a symbol of unity. Therefore, in monotheistic religions, it often symbolizes God or the universe.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. 🙏❤️ Prayers for your inner peace.

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Sorry for your loss 🙏 look up 111 it's a sign of awakening - highly spiritual & an angel message for you 🫶 blessings

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Thank YOU so much. Do you know of any books that talk about connecting with loved ones

after death. It would be most appreciated. You are a person that I've been looking for in my

situation. Take Care :-)

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Hi again , aww that's very sweet 🙏✨ there's soo many , I'd suggest going on Amazon n googling to see what resonates with you ! See What your soul , intuitively drawn to ! I like John Edward's who's a medium ; channel, to explain some concepts , but I read as much as I can & then come to my own truths , based upon experiences ( I've had on going experiences communication with spirit ) the novel the shack is a great read ... the untethered soul is a great book about our souks journey that may help you too ! it's late here , I wish I could think of more rn! Let me know (if you'd like to share ) what you find ! Blessings ✨🙏🫶

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Thank YOU for taking the time to give me the information. I'm going to see what I find. I'll let you know. GOD BLESS +

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Also - the Hollywood medium msy have a book . He’s very connected & what I consider a clear , angelic channel . Not all medioums are at his caliber . He has a show - google it bc it will assist you to believe , have faith , trust I believe . Our loved ones will send you signs - often in ways only you may understand ! And know its absolutely them ! Read on synchronicities :) much love 🥰

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Yes...Believe...have Faith ...and Trust.....+

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Consider looking up Sarah Kerr, a death doula here in BC, Canada. Please accept my sincere condolences.

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Thank YOU so much. Also, for the information. +

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NHS nurse line, you can phone and ask questions, in the UK... My condolences x

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Thank YOU so much for caring. Do you know of any connections in the US? I live

there. Take Care :-)

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Oh my goodness! Type in "111 Angel number" into any search engine! I think you have a guardian x


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What existed before the big bang?

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no question from me. I would just like you to know that when the master comes to take me home, he will find me doing my best at the labor of love he set me here to do.

even in my imperfect wickedness, I'll do my best to repent daily

Love, a small sinful


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My son Neil left us via a drug poisoning. I would

want to know if he is now without the shame and stigma he carried and is at peace.

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I am so sorry for your loss. My 17yr old nephew and his bf got some fentanyl laced heroin in 2021. They were both dead. We must do something to stop this murder of our youth. 100k+ dead last year. The Biden admin claims that MAGA republicans/white supremacists are the biggest threat facing America? Wow, some priorities. I hate to make it about politics but it already is. Your son is at peace. I met a woman a number of years ago. She had this incredible aura of tranquility and I got into this conversation with her. She said she had an experience with the Holy Spirit who revealed to her that at death everyone gets a last chance to accept the salvation Yeshua came to provide. There is no biblical reference to that effect yet it makes sense to me and gives me hope that everyone has a chance.

They need to hear from ppl who’ve had enough.

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Oh, very sorry about your Son, Neil, and his passing. Did you find someone to

connect with about your searching for answers? God Bless+

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I would like to know if the universe truly goes on ceaselessly or does it eventually circle back to the point where you started like the symbol for infinity that’s like an elongated figure 8?

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I don't suppose you have the names and addresses for the Bildeberg Kulangata?

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I give lovingly.

How do I receive?

How do I let go?

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How do we change the fucking the world.

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Why the duck bill platypus? 🤔

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How can I let go of perfectionism?

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Am I on the right path towards manifesting my dream of living in California?

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Is the universe finite, or not finite?

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Will the world ever know true peace?

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which is your favorite?

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