About Me

" Jist a buffalo soldier .... fightin' for survival

I ams, what I ams, jist sittin' here watchin' the wheels goin' round 'n' round. Tryin' to make amends, for learnin' so much, an' sharin' so little !

I am trying hard to live by my credos of Desiderata and Kipling's If....

And I try not to worry about days with ' T 'in them, Like Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

My Life Force comes from the Power Cosmic,

Giving me the attributes of superhuman strength and stamina, virtually invulnerable, Immortality, Energy manipulation and absorption, Molecular transmutation, Control over the Fundamental Forces, a degree of Cosmic awareness, travel at trans-light speeds, mind control, time manipulation and super healing. Other than that I'm your regular run-of -the-mill sort of guy!"

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“People often ask me, why I don’t seem to keep pace with my contemporaries, but as I always tell them, it’s because I hear a different drummer..”

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Absolutely and it has taken me so long to love ❤️

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“Jist a buffalo soldier, a ‘raggedy-man’ tryin’ to make amends, for learnin’ so much, an’ sharin’ so little …”

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Yes yes yes !!!!!

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Apropos on my guitar lesson day.

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“There are two ‘credos’ that I live by, which explain a lot about me …..’ Desiderata ‘ and ‘If’, ….. to the wise, I need say no more!”

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