Mar 4Liked by The Universe

Knowing that all my loved ones are healthy, loved and supported even when I’m far away.

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If the one that i love feels the same about me

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My daddy had a brain aneurysm this past Thursday. I'm usually a very positive person, but this has been the hardest 4 days of my life, to witness someone so dear to my heart, go through this. He’s been in the hospital in a vegetative state and today is ‘decision day,’ for the doctors. I pray to be present today.

The serenity prayer keeps playing on a loop in my head:

God grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Sending love to you Michelle and to all your family ❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you 🙏

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Mar 4Liked by The Universe

Being back at the house at the lake, sitting on the back deck, gazing at the water as I empty my mind to the stars and the trees

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Beautiful ❤️

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Mar 4Liked by The Universe

No war on earth at all!!

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Absolutely 🙏🏻

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Cool rainy day .

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Pain free day

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... ease of movement, ease of heart and mind ...

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Singing a few songs and Getting 10 miles in. I’m behind in my trainings

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For one day, knowing the total outcome. Then go back to surprises.

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Eliminating "What would bring ne the most calm" wouldneed to be removed. I'm in this game we call life to play to the end. If I was totally calm, I would unproductive and thusinaffected in my life. I know that some of my upcoming trials will be my most difficult ones, but I'm readyfor those tests too.

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