‘Do you remember who you were, before the world told you who you were supposed to be?’ The past 3 years I have finally begun to ascend into my true authentic self, and live in the now moment today. It takes practice, and I remind myself: progress, not perfection. For many years I lived in the guilt and remorse of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow, but never in the moment. The moment is where I find JOY—Thank YOU Universe!

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Wonderful Michelle, you are doing a such a beautiful thing by being you x

Now is where its at. It's where we are.

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“As you are well aware, I have always been your child!”

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Uniquely quiet,

or loud,

messy or otherwise,

and always wise

<3 <3 clever rhymes

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Tonight and tomorrow we celebrate Yom Kipper, the day of atonement. After sundown refrain from eating and reflect on our shortcomings. We ask forgiveness and accept the apologies from others who have harmed us.

Thanks for providing this place to share different perspectives with each other! Thanks for opening the gates for ongoing possibilities. Thanks for entrusting this space to a broader audience!

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You followed me today and, for that, I must send you a million thanks. This is the exact message I needed today. Thank you. Thank you.

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