The answer to everything is within your reach . You either have it or you can make yourself available to receive it.

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My favourite one so far 🤍

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But how to describe the feeling of lightness that comes with it?

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I discovered the unbearable lightness of being is best described in the 1988 movie titled the same.

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I’ll admit it - I haven’t seen the movie or read the book. I guess if I had I’d already know?

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Dear universe, I am in you, you are in me, we are o e and the same.

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Another beautiful wisdom. Thank you.

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I behold the magic of creation and it humbles me. The mightiness of our Creator is beyond understanding of mere mortals.

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My dog is snoring in my ear, and it's peaceful ✨

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I trust the voice within today. Thank you for giving me the courage to be comfortable being my true authentic self today 💓

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