Always so timely and on point, Universe. Been thinking a lot about creativity lately. Delightful to see how the stars are aligning.

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Feb 28Liked by The Universe


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Sometimes when I heed that nudge (open the door) wonderful, surprising things start to happen. It makes me want to stop thinking so much if I should or shouldn’t open it. Universe, you are so wise…

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❤️ Open to let things in, open to let things out...

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Feb 28Liked by The Universe

I surely would! Assuming I could recognize the Signs, lol. At the moment, I'm in a "Family" Crisis - maybe Signs will appear inside of that generations-old cauldron?

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sometimes I am the niggle nudging her to make a move.... sometimes the other way 'round...

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Start a wellness brand and open a centre in a house with yoga and crossfit and I live in the basement..... nudge nudge nudge.

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Every reaction starts with a previous action. Contemplate what moves you.

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all opinions are borne made up of multiple experiences. Those bits are so smll as to hide the real sources of wilful ignorance. To uncover realevaluation of a writer's integrity is a matter of where you derived your beliefs? For example, Robert E Lee was the leader of the Confederate army but not his opinisms about racism. He may well have become the leader at a time when leaders were limited very limited and Lee jumped on the scarcity knowing that as such, he might earn a governmental post after he quit. Since nobody asked him and reported that Lee was promoted to the 'ultimate' honor as head of the army. instead we make guesses based on OUR observations the, embrace OUR opinion.

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