Love this reminder, I needed this today. Thank you 💗

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Thank you. I needed this right now.

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Hey, you saw Yesterday!

On such days, I get so afraid that the Hell of my first xx years, in the dark, without help, love, or light is back! And all "Growth" was transitory, and/or illusory.

Not that these days of Growth have been Fun, mind you. Just they - at long last - seem Valuable. Worthwhile. So much Grieving, Healing, Growing, jumbled all together. But without anything Visible to hold onto when the Storms hit.

I just have the sense that as I plant the Seeds, in myself and outside, Growth will occur. What Fruit will result, I don't know.

I just Trust that there will be Fruit. Whether I see it or not.

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spot on....

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I sit down and practice my guitar lessons.

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Even the easy road has potholes. Drive around, not through them.

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I needed this today. Thank you.

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