The Ides of March, Us Water Dragons must stick together. Especially as I am fast approaching my sixth cycle. My best regards!

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Dear universe this life can seem to be a rollercoaster at times. Treat it like a rollercoaster ride when it seems rough if one shuts one’s eyes and breathes one find that gravity keeps one safe and what seemed dangerous was an illusion.

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Yes ❤️

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Mar 15Liked by The Universe

my Temple tells me when I have pushed my limits too hard. I regroup with prayer in my sanctuary, and start again tomorrow.

every tomorrow, I find the inside of the Temple gets bigger and stronger even as the "walls age and crumble

it is enough

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the only time I thought being 5'2 was a problem

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Mar 15Liked by The Universe

Exactly, we are smaller than small; A grain of salt indeed but, Think 💭

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Good point. We are fractals of the one awareness, so sometimes as we come to understand this we're hard on ourselves.

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Mar 15Liked by The Universe

It's especially tough on a deeply empathic person, as I am. "Ignoring" or "avoiding" is a worthless measure when Everything is absorbed from every day life, what we read, see online or in conversation with others.

My haven is the night. Everyone asleep, just me, my dog, the night sky and the Universe to pour my soul out to. It's when that slight breeze comes up to caress my cheek and lifts my hair that I feel Heard and "emptied" so that I can finally get some rest.

For that, I am eternally grateful.

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deletedMar 15Liked by The Universe
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Beautiful ❤️

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