I’ve already been getting daily messages from “the Universe” (Mike Dooley) for years. This one must be an alternate reality Universe. 🌌 🌎 🌟

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You’re going to need to explain this one to me, please.

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My interpretation, but everyone’s may be different and that’s OK!!

~Being grounded means that our souls are plugged in and anchored into the earth's energies. Grounding is basically balancing out the soul energies and physical energies in our bodies, by connecting us to the earth.

We are all connected in this moment. For me it helps to plant my feet on the ground and feel Mother Gaia’s heartbeat circulating through my body. The Schumann Resonance is one way to see Gaia’s heartbeat of earth in real-time. I hope this is helpful. God bless 🙏🏻

Here’s a link to the Schumann Resonance in real-time:


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Yes. Grounded in a literal, physical way: feet on the earth. Grounded in a psychic, spiritual way: feeling the surging energies of the cosmos.

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