Nov 11, 2023Liked by The Universe

That’s why I take guitar lessons. I engage the child in me and enjoy the ride. Indeed, I, like the Moody Blues song, Ride My Seesaw. Rock on!

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I love the moody blues 😉 you've decided my afternoon listening...ty I have a hard time picking what to listen to at times.

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Cool! I started listening to them in 1967. Graduated college then with a teaching degree. I follow John Lodge on Facebook. He continues to perform.

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Omg TY for your reply. I just missed your glory days...Dam, I was there with you all though. I was born in 71, but am confused as to *where and when I belong. Don't care today really, does it matter? Not to this odd ball outcast lol...blessing to you and all that keep their touch blazing to Light the way, I thank Thy. AMEN

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Inside I have the heart & soul of an 18 year old from my time.

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I'm still trying to pin point where I'm from and or why. It don't really matter I guess, cause I'm simply joyful and want that for ALL that want that to! I can't force, just show. Ily sister. Ty for being brave before me. Praise and much Love, for your fight, on similar roads...all 3, yes that's me... ly

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Yes and Peace Out!!!!

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Nov 11, 2023Liked by The Universe

As a child just being was enough. I had the light and joy to share with anyone around. Being unrestrained was the best. No one to tell me what I couldn’t do, from their boring limited perspective. Life should be viewed as a realm of infinite possibilities.

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I'm glad your young days allowed you this. I was able to do this for mine, but my mom did not...it's ok now though. Or will be very soon. TY

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We forget the art of play as we grow. To become older and forget to enjoy the experience of things. I adore this.

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I have started doodling again. It is so FUN lol.

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Playing in the garden talking to the flower faeries!

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I also enjoy plants. I'm good with house plants but i am to do a community garden for all to enjoy, Free fresh produce....I'm intending this (now lol)...in the spring. As not much grows here, with snow on ground. Namaste.

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Running through the prairie spring flowers.

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Love the daily notes.

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Music is very uplifting to me. I also fill my happy hole 🙂 by giving of self...I am doing volunteer work in my communities. I seek to aid the suffering hearts of the lowly and Lost...addict, drunk, poor, ect....doesn't matter to me your affliction! Peace and Love to All, in always...Amen

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My mother and her father and mother with whom I was privileged to share my first five years - 1944-49 before my father returned from WW2. I was immersed in education: learning to read an write, Encyclopedia Britannica (my grandfather had all volumes and read with me every evening). I learned physics, maths, chemistry (a boy's chem set) and I could wired a switched circuit with a network of bulbs.

In short, give me the boy before age 7 and I will show you the man. This is not a choice of mine - however it was perhaps my choice of parent? The Universe always speaks to me every day through the angels:

"Because you said: YHWH is my refuge, You have made the Most High your dwelling; no disaster will befall you, and no plague will come near your tent. For he will give his angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you on their hands, so that you may not strike your foot against a stone. On the young lion and the cobra you will tread, you will trample underfoot the maned lion and the big snake. God said: “Because he has affection for me, I will rescue him. I will protect him because he knows my name." [Psalm 91:9:14]

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I love this. Ty. I know a couple angels and thank Him and them for my protections...I haven't been easy. But I know I am Loved, as we all are.

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Love conquers all Izzie, you are truly loved - and the angels are always there for you when asking for their help - which brings them forth. So many miss this miracle of God's creation but the birds and animals know:

Jesus said: "On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not life mean more than food and the body than clothing? Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?" [Matthew 6:25-27]

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Ty yes, I understand. It might be I, that looks so lowly upon myself. But always have kindness for others. I'm learning but it's painful at times.

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All are beautiful pure spirits, in essence Izzie, when we were brought into this world. It is during our earth-walk that we need to learn and progress in spirit and truth. As a counsellor I have found this little book efficacious as I accompany my clients on their journey of self-discovery:




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