The wild poet within… I like that a lot. Thanks ✨

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Finding the true expression - the ‘meant to’ - in the wash of opinions and other noise … that is the skill and the way and the awareness sought.

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Yes, absolutely… be messy, be real, be you - not for approval but for the joy of it all!

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Jun 7Liked by The Universe

One must shut out those who criticize.

Close my eyes

Floating in clouds

But seeing clearly

Ahhh….my path is known.

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Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 7Liked by The Universe

Expressing yourself fully comes with some washback ….some judgement…criticism and very low vibration.

Often we don’t share our fullest expressions.

It’s is important though .c

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Sending you a sense of freedom from judgment… be the vibration you seek ❤️

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Poem. The hardest thing.

By Jennifer Lions.

The hardest thing

Is to be yourself

And the easiest thing

Is to be yourself

The off the shelf elf

Wrapped In stealth

Hidden in plane sight

Clothed in plane cloth

Dressed like a moth

To conceal the light

The magical light

That reveals the truth

The everlasting youth

In the heart

In the soul

The burning coal

Fire in the pit

Of your belly

Burns like a snake

Rising from the base

It shines on your face

When your eyes light up

With that smile

I can see you from a mile

Its no coincidence we met

Your another spark

From the same fire

And we burn with such desire

To be free of the chains

That rattle our brains

But you want to know a secret

Those chains are made of ideas

And we can cut them with new ideas

Just use that gift of old

The philosophers stone so I’m told

Is imagination at your grasp

Just let it flow

Let it show

Let it know your wish

Is your command

The genie at your service

Rising from the vessel

Of your body

To soar up with the bright light

To claim the throne of your birthright

To be the source of your own life

To know the self that is dear

To do the things you most fear

To walk the path from there to here

To be so present

The very earth moves when you breath

And the sky weeps when you cry

And the dogs howl when you sigh

The stones levitate

And the wind hesitates

As your passion for life resonates

With unhidden delight

Revealing inner sight

The rapturous plight

Vibrating into the night

And through to the dawn

Where we deeply breath again

Releasing the pain

Of a thousand lonely lifetimes

At last

We are free

To meet

And to be

Ourselves …

Peace :-)

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