My favorite kind of Friday

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Did you have a favorite character from one of my pieces ? Are you interested? Joy, anger, sorrow and happiness + individuality = presence." I wrote about the steps I have taken in studying calligraphy. Calligraphy is an art form that unites mind and technique. Why not try expressing your gratitude in a warm, interesting and unique style or font?!

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喜び、怒り、悲しみ、幸せ + 個性 = 存在感。」私は書道を学ぶにあたって私が踏んできたステップについて書きました。書道は心と技術を融合させた芸術です。温かみがあり、面白く、ユニークなスタイルやフォントで感謝の気持ちを表現してみませんか?!


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🎶Shimmy shimmy coco bop!🎶

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