A new view is what Im working on this morning. It’s a position of denial. Some Times, tho one can have what one wants one needs to leave it alone.

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When I was told that worrying is a doing word, not an emotion, it was a game changer for me.

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Wonderfully written! Thanks 🙏

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by The Universe

Where to wise one?

oh hey i was just heading to that place where we all like to go occasionally, and i'm not sure why we all don't just go and stay there? probably because we fall in and out of worthiness at least how we feel about ourselves. you can come and stay as long as you like. the place? it's called "where all things are possible!" where freedom reigns supreme. you ever been? i used to live there on and off my 20's. i became a full time resident in my 30's for about 15 years. Then i started questioning myself, the life i was living and what was i doing to make the world a better place before i leave? just making money and consumption just to consume was not an option. so thank god Uni came to me in the middle of my 4th decade and said, what will serve you is to look with in, so buying the red corvette and getting the new girlfriend who was 20+ years younger will not serve you. When Uni's right she's pretty spot on. so i'm back from going within and time to get back to that place "where all things are possible."

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There is real value in being able to separate oneself from where one feels one is to look in as well as look around.

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I definitely saw this at the right time

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It's so "it'sy" in its itsness.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by The Universe

how did you know?

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Definitely needed to hear this! Thank you 🙏🏻

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That’s why I like the classic Mafia Don line to a supplicant with problems to be solved: “Don’t worry about it.” And maybe even: “It’s being taken care of while we talk.”

For Zen folks, this is also my answer to the Mu koan…. 😁

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Rumination is a good thing. It is spatial giftedness. It is your brain processing the complexity of the environment around you on multiple levels.

Our systems are constantly pushing us instead of letting us be as we naturally are. Rumination turns bad when we are not allowed to process all the inputs we take in. The more sensitive you are the more inputs you take in the more this is an issue. You don't need to change the system does. This gift will save your life in the future.

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