Fear is the thief of dreams. This saying was on a chip, that was given to me when I first got into recovery. ‘What if…’ was the title of the sermon in May of 2014, that got my attention. That sermon ignited the desire in me to get sober, and a week later, on May 30th, 2014, I entered impatient rehab. Without sobriety I would not be alive. The gift of sobriety has allowed me to awaken and ascend to become my true authentic self! What if I would have never heard that sermon, that gave me a small mustard seed of HOPE within ~ Keep GOING, don’t give up before the miracle happens 💫

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by The Universe

What if... Pose a question with your mind and let the universe fill in the gaps. Then have the courage to respect. Fear and exhilaration complement, for neither works without the other.

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What if whatever will be will be and we have no control over the universe I found out this year to never make plans. The time is always right. It’s always now waiting for the perfect time when the only thing we’re truly promised is death.

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It doesn’t matter. Life unfolds as it will. My job is to make the best of it and go on with it

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None of the above. My life is near its end.

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I love the energy you are putting out here. Bravo! :)

On another note, "What if?" is a great question, for it allows us to consider other possibilities and it broadens our mind.

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What, if what, if existed what if they weren’t afraid of success, but of failure and the responsibility is what you need just to prove to someone as long as someone believes in you so you can believe in yourself

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I don’t believe people fear success, I believe they fear the responsibility that comes with success. Best wishes, x

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Great treasure is a great responsibility.

Responsibility ties hands of the weak.

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Who defines success, and what if you don't buy into the prevailing view? As Bonnie Raitt sang, "Is it doing your own thing, or to join the rest?"

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Imagination wins over willpower, but only every time. - A restatement of Emile Coue's Law

If Your goal is success, then it is most likely that you have defined it in such a way that the only way to achieve it is directly with willpower. That success will flee you. A corollary to Coue's Law is:

"When a good measure becomes a target, then it ceases to become a good measure." - Goodhart's Law You cannot measure your way to success. Hell, you can't even build fine furniture by measurement because measurement is the enemy of accuracy.

In the end, our goals are best achieved indirectly. Using imagination results in doing things that make no sense when viewed from a direct cause and effect point of view. From experience, you will wake up one day and realize that you made it, and you will wonder why and how.

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One can lead to the other. My daughter has been haunted by a fear of failure but found the ideal solution. If you don't attempt anything you can't fail. However, if you follow this path and you can't succeed either. Isn't life fun!

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