Yes, they are treasures. Just working through a few clever coincidences! 💜

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Do you know where I can go to find out about life after death? My Brother passed away on

9/5/23 at age 65. He Died Suddenly. You know that Died Suddenly thing. It's happening to a lot of

people these days! He did take the JAB. His son wouldn't let him see his grandson, if he didn't.

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I’m sorry for your loss. I have experienced a great deal of loss in my life as well. I think it would help you to check out Sandra’s site. She’s amazing and helped me beyond words. https://sandramonroe.com/

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Thank YOU, Michelle. I really appreciate your caring enough to share this link to Sandra.

GOD BLESS.....Sorry, for your losses, too. +

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Coincidences are what you make of them.

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