Everywhere I go, there I am. When I realized I couldn’t run away from myself anymore, I began to hear the still small voice inside that said, ‘You are loved, just the way you are.’

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Yep pull in by some mysterious magnetic force😉

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I have a hopeful heart and a tender love

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Expect more to receive more.

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Keep up writing you can surprise yourself one day I sure did

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"Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High will lodge under the shadow of the Almighty."

[Psalm 91]

Make your home with your Creator and your heart will reside in paradise.

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About to do another 2 hours of newsletter typing never stop when I am concerned

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Next year is looking like back to the grind if it wasn’t already

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Celebrating Christmas in style this year and will be relieved when it is over like numerous other county men and woman do it’s commercialism gone to the dogs

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Started my summer reading today with wifedom a story based on George Orwell first wife very engaging and a good reasonable read for some

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Thank you!

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