Not all chosen paths find their way to the destination. Change is essential. Adaptation. Going again using what was learnt.

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Hoha Tearlach the name of that special tear that wells up, either joy or sorrow, currently is amusement, because everyone knows I'm a complete dick head, so totally impervious..

To breakfast...


share your habits guys, food wise...

The spiciest the better I've got a bloody awful indigestion thing going on at the moment, passing me off..

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And Teàrlach is the Gaelic version of the French charles

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Enjoy your breakfast or not. I like chillies on my chillies whether it be Indian or Chinese cuisine. Mostly I don’t do breakfast. And yesterday I shed tears of both joy and sorrow. Life is in essence bittersweet.

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Jan 31Liked by The Universe

in this world, failure can devistate or become a tool.

either way seems there's always a lesson or a revelation.

but, in this world, failure is unavoidable.because the failure doesn't have to be ours to affect us

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I always say no. It's just one person;s opinion on something. Then it's up to the rest of us, who is interested, to pick a side. Agree with this one person's opinion or not. The majority wins. Making it in the eyes of others, as a failure.

I know... I've been told, too many times... I think too deep.

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Here''s a different take... Thinking too deep can also be called over-thinking. You are still blessed to think things out until the voices in your head tell you "It's over, move on."

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I tell myself I over analyze a lot. I get on my own nerves a lot of days. :-)

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Here's a suggestion. When you figure out your true path, that 'conflict bothers you. Now, let's pretend you're a little girl (5 years old and you make an observation that because of your innocence and inexperience will later seem childish, first attempt, innocent practice, now you're you age, experience and a 5 year old brought a story for you to read. Will you get disgusted reading baby gibberish or will you praise/reward their effort then show them 1 new thing something simple like the title, then you move them a step down a writing path. Don't be so hard on yourself, you're young and can use all the time you need to be able to write on a Nobel Prize level (at least not for a week or two).

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Thanks. I like that. I swear I was just thinking like this. With the choices we make, they are made from our life's experiences and influences.

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Exactly, but some things take time. When I was young, my cousin,5years old was killed. I spent days mourning the loss and puzzling over why a good kid like tommy died, and a mass-rapist like Carole Chessman was allowed to live. It was a life-changer for me and relating to God I seriously thought that if I asked Him right, God might change his mind. So I tried but it didn't help

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That's when reality kicks in. That influenced you to realize at a very young age, God is not the God mommy and daddy teaches us about. Pray on it and it will happen. Not! And me, with my 'over analyzing mind', think that mommy and daddy are liars. To take what they say to me with a grain of salt. Consider the source, if you will. My mom always referred to me as an old soul in a baby's body. I'd been here before. I think she was right.

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I heard this statement once and it has stuck with me through the most intense of times..."The only failure is in ceasing to try". I always refer to that when I feel lost.

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The word ENLIGHTMENT means to 'make lighter. working on a 'problem is just part of the process 'solving the problem. it's not the answer. When, after a concerted effort, you move from confusion towardcompletion when the thing will become lighter on you

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Jan 31Liked by The Universe

It’s when we fail that we find our way to success and really learn. In failure we find little facts that support getting to the final answer...which may surprise us.

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In the grand scheme of things there is no failure.

Either a lesson, a pointer to something better, or a wrong perespective or a not meant to be.

Your personal big picture is not always what you think it should be.

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Jan 31Liked by The Universe

I am recalling a certain “wardrobe malfunction” in a past post, and that turned out to be a very Happy Accident.


Failure is simply an illusory perspective.

Perspective is what informs the eyes that behold Beauty.

Leaves fall from trees, and in this season the bare tree could be perceived as unflattering.

In Harvest Season, the brilliance of these same trees is undeniably heart warming and awe inspiring.

The leaves did not fail, nor the tree, nor the ground that received the fallen leaves, nor the eyes that later saw only the naked tree.

It is human judgement brought to a perspective that creates the illusion of failure.

The lesson remains, and persists.

Confident and patient, the tree stands waiting for the light to increase.

Then, like the groundhog recognizes Spring, human perspective is renewed, freed once again to be aware of the Beauty, the Potential, the Resilience and the Hope abiding in the unadorned tree.

There is no failure. There is perspective. The light will change as does the perspective.

This too shall pass

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This is beautiful 🙏🏻 thank you for sharing ❤️ and 😂 👏 to nudging nudes and naked trees…

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Hello, is there that Universe looking this way???

If you notice me, I'm winking back...

There is an oddliness of the world of the moment, but I can feel a movement ✨️ 💪 🙌 🙏 😉 😌 ✨️ amongst the stars.

Surprisingly, asking a rape victim's female veuyer witness whether the victim was OK? And told to shut up by the female patient of a Psychiatric Hospital.

Phones all removed to a locked office at night so no communication out. I wish I could have helped more, but being half asleep felt like I was dreaming.

Rohypnan seems to be delivered in artics when it should really be mashed potato.

Very odd night haunted either by phantoms or nightmares...I wish anyone else escaping from these things look, to the light...its at the break of dawn.

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Is someone fails over and over, but never learns from their failures, then yes, they become a failure.

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In the short term, yes. We set goals, and the goals are either achieved, partially achieved, or not achieved. How we deal with failure is key.

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